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How to Scale Content Marketing Without Sacrificing Quality

 Renew Marketing    Content Marketing

How to Scale Content Marketing Without Sacrificing Quality

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, then you know content marketing is one of the best weapons in your SEO arsenal.

Today, Google’s organic rankings heavily favor quality content. Google analyzes the amount of time people spend reading each article. It also looks at how visitors interact with

a site after reading that article.

By looking at these metrics and more, Google can build search rankings where good content is ranked higher than bad content.

There’s a reason we always say “content is king.”

But creating high-quality content isn’t easy. As your site grows, you may need to create more and more quality content.  It can be an expensive, time-consuming process.

How do you scale content marketing without sacrificing quality? Here are some of the best tips today’s businesses are using to continuously produce high-quality content:

Use unique employee knowledge to your advantage

In many industries, the best learning takes place on-the-job.

These industries may have little to no information online. Or, the information posted online may be inaccurate and out-of-date.

Think of what your employees do every day. Think of the unique knowledge they use to do their jobs.

Use that knowledge to produce posts for your company’s blog. Employees can write blog posts themselves during downtime at work.

This tip lets you post useful, accurate information on your company’s blog. Most importantly, this content is unique.

Diversify content types

When it comes to scaling quality content, you may need to focus on multiple content types.

Obviously, scaling quality content doesn’t simply mean posting 5 blog posts per day instead of just 1. It means writing blog posts, creating infographics, posting on social media, filming videos, and designing apps.

Focusing on one content type may be working for your business. But focusing on multiple content types lets you branch out and attract new customers. There will always be one or two content types that attract the most customers to your business, but that doesn’t mean you should ignore all other content types.


Let’s say all your employees are busy and your website’s head blog writer is feeling overwhelmed. How can you scale your content marketingwhile still creating quality content

One solution is to outsource blog posting to a third-party. While there are many providers to choose from, finding one that comes up with ideas for great posts, produces quality content that is relevant to your audience, and delivers it consistently and on time narrows the options to very few.  There’s no shortage of people offering blog writing or content creation services.  You can find tons of sites online where people will offer to write your blog content for you for a very reasonable cost.

On these websites, the quality of writing varies widely. You should be prepared as the old addage “You get what you pay for” does apply here as well.

Some writers are based in English-speaking countries and English is their mother tongue. Other writers have learned English as a second language, in which case the quality (and the cost) will drop significantly.  Many of these providers will only deliver the content to you, so you or your staff will still need to upload it onto your blog and schedule it for publication.  Often times the content will be void of any links to other online content or images or graphics, so if you want your posts to be interesting for your readers, you’ll need to take additional time to add these elements in.

A cheap writer from a developing country may be able to supply your company with the  content it needs… IF you are willing to try out multiple writers, dedicate some time to managing the writers and the process, come up with the content ideas, add engaging elements to the content like graphics, images and links, as well as reviewing and editing the content regularly before publication.

Look for a content provider that can handle everything for you, from coming up with content ideas to creating the content to making it engaging for your readers to posting it to your site and managing the whole thing end to end.  A quality content marketing partner will be able to do all of this for you.

If you are a small to mid-size business owner or manager then you likely don’t have a dedicated marketing staff or time to dedicate to this process, in which case it is definitely better to hire a reputable and trusted partner to handle your blog content and management for you.  ?

Launch content creation contests with your customers

Some of the best content isn’t produced by you: it’s produced by your customers and fans.

Launch a contest where customers can win prizes in exchange for creating content. Some content creation ideas include:

-Launching a “Photo of the Month” contest, where visitors take pictures of your product in unique locations

-Creating a writing contest, where customers need to write an entertaining short story of 300 words or less in exchange for a prize

-A “Tweets of the week” featured post

If your company has an engaged customer base, then you have an army of content creators. Use this army to its full potential. Best of all – this army is free!

With so much data online, there’s no excuse for bad content

Today, there’s more data online than ever before. You can access entire encyclopedias and government databases without ever leaving your office chair.

You need to use this information to your advantage. Your content should be packed with useful information that genuinely helps visitors achieve their goals.

Think of the problems your audience faces. Then, search the internet to find a solution to that problem. Copy that information into a blog post. Done!

Every day, millions of pages are added to the internet. Only a small fraction of these pages deserve your attention. Will your website be one of the pages that earns the attention of its visitors?